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Technology Training Services
Technology Training Certificates
Demonstrate your computer knowledge by earning a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate.
Are you interested in testing your tech skills, or proving your basic computer knowledge to an employer? Northstar is a collection of online assessments that test your ability to perform basic tasks on a computer and Internet browser. You can earn a digital badge by completing assessments on your own at home, or a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate when you take the assessment as a proctored exam at Rocky River Public Library.
The Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate can be an important credential for jobseekers – even today’s entry-level positions require basic computer skills. The certificate also demonstrates that you have the complete computer skills needed in higher education. If you fail to pass one of the sections, Northstar identifies a roadmap of relevant classes to master the necessary skills.
Northstar learners can earn basic skills certificates on a variety of topics, including:
- Basic Computer Skills
- Internet Basics
- Using Email
- Windows 10
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Social Media
- Information Literacy
Submit a request
Ready to take a proctored assessment and earn a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate?
Please call us at 440-333-7610 x 3783, or complete the form below, and we will contact you.
By completing the form below, I acknowledge that I have read the Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment Code of Conduct.

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