Children’s Digital Library

Ebooks & Audio Books
Digital videos, music & audiobooks on your smartphone, tablet or computer
Downloadable audiobooks, eBooks, music & movie for kids
You can apply for an OverDrive Instant Digital Card and gain access to all the materials in our CLEVNET collection without having to come into the physical library first!
SelectReads Kids
Sign up for this newsletter and find your next favorite children’s book
Stream Movies & Television
Download or stream tv shows or movies for free
Kanopy Kids
Download hundreds of free videos, tv shows, and movies including this list of Special Programming available during COVID-19
Download movies
You can apply for an OverDrive Instant Digital Card and gain access to all the materials in our CLEVNET collection without having to come into the physical library first!
Learn Something New
Helps kids learn to read through phonics, and teaches lessons in math, social studies, art, music, and much more. For ages 2-8.
BrainFuse HelpNow
Online tutoring service for all ages and levels
Little Pim
Foreign Language learning program for kids.
Northstar Digital Literacy
Take assessments and practice skills in three areas of technology – essential computer skills, essential software skills, and technology used in everyday life.