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Technology Training Services
Public Computer & Wi-Fi Access
Rocky River Public Library offers computers and Wi-Fi for public use.
Computer Access
Rocky River Public Library offers free public access to computer workstations in our Public Computer Room, located on the building’s Lower Level. A library card number and PIN number from a CLEVNET library are required to access public workstations.
Public computers use Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Available on all computers are Microsoft Office 2019; Chrome, Firefox, and Edge internet browsers, Adobe PDF Reader, and basic sound and video players and editors.
Available on our multimedia workstation are a flatbed scanner, Adobe Acrobat 2020, and Photoshop Elements 2021.
Accessible technology is available at our large print workstation, including a large print keyboard, screen magnification, and screen reading software.
Printing Fees:
$10 of printing per week is granted to every CLEVNET library cardholder. The printing price breakdown is:
- $.10/page – single-sided black and white
- $.15/page – double-sided black and white
- $.25/page – single-sided color
- $.30/page – double-sided color
Copying, faxing, scanning to email, printing from, and scanning to USB is also available on our all-in-one printer.
Express computer workstations are available on the 1st floor. Sessions are 15 minutes at a time. Internet browsers and printing are available.

Technology Training
Free online and in-person technology training is available through Training Services. Visit rrpl.org/training for more information.
RRPL Policy
- Network Policy (PDF)
Upcoming Classes & Programs
Wi-Fi Access
Rocky River Public Library offers free Wi-Fi for public use, including in our parking lot. No password is required, and the name of our wireless network is: RRPL
Remote and Mobile Printing
Printing from home or your mobile device is available at Rocky River Public Library. Visit rrpl.org/papercut for more information.
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