Library Cards

Get a Library Card

General Information:

Any resident of the state of Ohio may register for a library card. Your library card is free and may be used to borrow any of our materials, including access to major news media, books, DVDs, videos, and books on CD.  Additionally, residents have access to our FREE research databases, complete digital library, and many other electronic resources licensed for your informational needs.

Apply Online:

By applying online, you will receive a Library Card # (User ID) and PIN within 24-48 hours via email, after which you will be able to place holds in our catalog, access RRPL’s online databases, and download ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and music through OverDrive.

During your first visit to the Library, bring picture identification, such as a Driver’s License, and proof of current address (utility bill, lease agreement) to the Circulation desk near the lobby. A library card will be issued to you at that time. You will then have full borrowing privileges, as well as access to our Internet/Office computers.

If you don’t plan on coming in, you may continue to use our online databases and download e-materials for as long as you like using the numbers you received via email. An actual library card is only needed if you plan on borrowing materials from the Library or using the Library’s computers.

Age Limitations:

If you are under 18 years of age, please print out the application form and bring it to the library with a parent or guardian. A parent or guardian must sign your form. Minors (under the age of 18 years) may be identified by a parent or guardian with a picture ID and proof of current address.

If you are under 18 years of age, you MAY NOT apply online.  → Print an application

Renew Your Library Card Online:

You can renew expired Library cards online. If you need to renew your card, but it has not yet expired, please call us at 440-333-7610 or stop in to visit us.

Renew Your Library Card | How to Renew Your Card

Apply for a Library Card

Library Card Type: *
Hold / Overdue Notice Preference *