Civic Engagement Programs

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Civic Engagement Programs

Why It Matters

RRPL is committed to providing our community information on Civic matters, inspiration to get involved and do their part, and is a safe and welcoming place to learn and express their opinions. Below are our upcoming programs on Civic topics for the next season. You can also learn more about RRPL’s role here.

Trivia Night
Thursday, September 12, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Auditorium
Test your knowledge in our trivia night! Teams of up to six admitted. Smaller groups are welcome and may be combined into larger teams.

Ohio’s Redistricting Amendment
Tuesday, October 22, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Auditorium
A citizen-led initiative to reform Ohio’s process of drawing congressional districts will be on the ballot in November. Learn about the amendment and its impact from representatives of Citizens Not Politicians, the bipartisan organization behind the amendment.

National Voter Registration Day 
Tuesday, September 17: All day
Today is a great day to check your voter registration status. The Rocky River chapter of the League of Women Voters will be on hand to answer questions and assist with forms.

Mock Trial – For students in grades 4-6
Monday, November 04 | 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm | Auditorium
Do you fancy yourself a legal eagle or just eager to learn more about the justice system? Or just want to see what it takes to go to trial? We will examine a case from history and see if the verdicts match. Teens will help participate and implement trial program.
Teen Volunteers Grades 7-8

Identifying AI-Generated Images: Computer Breakfast Series
Wednesday, September 25, 10:00 am to 11:30 am, Auditorium & Zoom
Images created with artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly difficult to discern from genuine photographs.

Tasty Voting 
Tuesday, November 05 | 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm | Teen Room
Too young to vote? Stop by the Teen Room to taste-test and elect the best snack!

Also for September 22-28, 2024 – Banned Book Week!

Make sure to drop into the library during this week where we’ll show some books that have been banned.

This week we will be emphasizing the following:

Literary Freedom

The ALA’s “The Freedom to Read” Statement

Encourage people to keep opening their book selection range