Census Information
Everyone Counts!
Every 10 years, a census count is taken of all persons living in the United States, from newborn babies to seniors living in residential facilities. That count determines the number of representatives we have in Washington D.C. and in Columbus. It also affects how billions of dollars in federal funding are distributed to hospitals, fire departments, schools, road improvement, and other resources in our community.
Beginning in the middle of March 2020, you will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. This is the first year that you can respond to the Census online using your computer, phone or tablet.
Rocky River Public Library is your partner in completing the 2020 Census. Please stop by for information, assistance, or to use a secure public computer. For language assistance, the online form and toll-free Questionnaire Assistance phone numbers will be available in 13 different languages.
Participating in the Census is easy, quick and safe! Get counted!
Complete the U.S. Census Today!
Phone: Call (844) 330 – 2020 | View ways to repond by phone here.
Enter to Win!
Once you’ve completed your Census, stop at the Reference Desk or Computer Lab Desk and be entered in a prize drawing.