Supporting RRPL

Ways To Give

For over 80 years, the Rocky River Public Library has endeavored to enrich the lives of our community with books, information, programs, and services. Your support will help ensure the Library’s mission to preserve its unique atmosphere, personal service, the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to anticipate and meet community needs and promote freedom of information for all.

The library is grateful for the tax-deductible contributions that individuals, families, organizations, and corporations make to the Rocky River Public Library, Friends of Rocky River Public Library, and to the Rocky River Public Library Foundation. Gifts are accepted and acknowledged according to the library’s Gifts to the Library Policy.

For more information, contact Library Director, Peter Matera at 440-333-7610 ext 3716.

Support The RRPL Foundation

The Foundation augments public funds with donations to help our first-class Library preserve its tradition of excellence. Your gift can be used to: purchase new materials, upgrade our equipment and facilities, fund new initiatives and projects, underwrite staff training, or for other expenditures that the Library is unable to afford through public funding alone. Read more about the RRPL Foundation here.

Support The Friends of Rocky River Public Library

The Friends of the Rocky River Public Library. A nonprofit organization founded in 1971, the Friends provides financial support and volunteer services to the library. Through membership dues and fundraising activities, the Friends make possible programs and services, furniture, and equipment purchases that the library could not otherwise afford. The Friends enhance the library’s ability to serve children, teens, families, seniors, and the whole community.

Everyone is welcome to join The Friends of Rocky River Public Library: individuals, families, businesses, and organizations who value the library as a community asset.

Get more information on the Friends of RRPL.

Donate to the RRPL Foundation

Print out a donation form and mail to:

Rocky River Public Library Foundation
1600 Hampton Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116

Checks payable to:
Rocky River Public Library Foundation.

Use Paypal to securely donate to the Rocky River Public Library Foundation with a credit card.


Donations to the Friends of RRPL

You can donate directly to the Friends of RRPL here on their website:

Make a donation

Donate Items: Books, Cowan Pottery, and History


You can honor the memory of a loved one, or recognize a birthday, anniversary, graduation, retirement, or other special occasion and help build the Library’s book collection.  Select the subject area of the book you would like to purchase, and our staff will help select materials to enhance our collection.  Items purchased with donated funds must meet the gift provisions of the Rocky River Public Library Collection Development Policy. Inside each donated book, Rocky River Public Library places a commemorative bookplate in the name of the person honored and the donor.

For additional information or to obtain a book donation form, please contact the Adult Services Department at 440-333-7610 x 5501 or stop at the Reference Desk in the Library.

Cowan Pottery Museum

The Cowan Pottery Museum at Rocky River Public Library is the largest publicly owned collection of Cowan Pottery in the world.  The museum withholds 1200 items, preserves, and displays the ceramic works of R. Guy Cowan and fellow artists who strove to produce both art pottery and commercial wares. The Cowan Pottery Studio (also known as the Cleveland Pottery and Tile Company in its early days) existed from 1913 to 1917 in Lakewood, Ohio, and from 1920 to 1931 in Rocky River, Ohio.

If you would like to discuss a donation to Cowan Pottery Museum, please contact Curator/ Historian Greg Hatch at 440-333-7610 x 3763 or .

Donate Your Time

(Please click on the links below to learn about library support and affiliate groups.)

Historical Items

The Library is an important resource that preserves our local history. If you have items including photos, yearbooks, maps, local history books, or anything that demonstrates the heritage of our community that you would like to donate, please contact Library Director, Peter Matera at 440-333-7610 ext 3716.